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密闭采样器适用于石油化工装置中各种有毒、有 害、易燃、易爆等危险性的中、低压气、液介质的取 样。样品采集的真实性强,无残液、残气排放,有效 地防止有毒有害介质对使用者的损伤,同时也避免造 成环境污染,以及易燃易爆介质在采样时可能造成的 危险事故。密闭取样器通过一定的方法将待取样品与 外界隔离,然后在密闭状态下进行取样。取样原理的 核心是确保取样的准确性和可靠性,同时保证取样过 程不会使样品受到污染或损坏。在取样过程中,密闭 取样器需要保持稳定的取样速度和取样量,以确保取 得的样品能够代表被取样物体的真实情况。
The closed sampler is suitable for sampling medium and low pressure gas and liquid media with various toxic, harmful, flammable, explosive and other dangers in petrochemical plants. The authenticity of sample collection is strong, there is no residual liquid and residual gas discharge, which effectively prevents the damage of toxic and harmful media to users, and also avoids environmental pollution, as well as dangerous accidents that may be caused by flammable and explosive media during sampling. The closed sampler isolates the sample from the outside world through a certain method, and then samples are taken in a closed state. At the heart of the sampling principle is to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the sampling, while ensuring that the sampling process does not contaminate or damage the sample. During the sampling process, the closed sampler needs to maintain a stable sampling speed and sampling volume to ensure that the obtained sample is representative of the real condition of the object being sampled.
地址:无锡市滨湖区大通路503号 联系人:荀经理 手机:13961819723 电话:0510-85627420传真:0510-85627420|邮件:sale@reeteng.com |进入后台管理
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